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Homemade Pork Sausage Recipe

This homemade pork sausage recipe produces delicious sausage. The ingredients are readily available and is easy to prepare.

The good part is you can make it as spicy or as mild as you wish. I can almost smell it frying now…

Homemade Sausage Burger Recipe.  Juicy homemade sausage made into a fat, juicy burger and topped with sauteed pepper and onion. #misshomemade

Pork Sausage Burger Recipe

I love sausage and peppers.  This recipe combines that in burger form.


After making homemade sausage, why not enjoy a big, juicy sausage burger?

It is so easy to make.  Here’s how:

1.  Form homemade sausage into patties and fry until no longer pink in the        center.  Melt a slice of mozzarella on top if you wish. 

2.  Saute green (or red) bell pepper slices with slices of onion

3.  Butter buns (and sprinkle with garlic/onion powder) and place in a pan on medium high to brown.  This is an important step for this burger.

Place cooked sausage burger on browned bun and top with sauteed peppers and onions.  You may also add some spaghetti sauce on top of the cheese – it’s delicious and makes it even juicier.

Sauce for Sausage Burger

This homemade pork sausage recipe produces delicious sausage. You can make it as spicy or as mild as you wish. I can almost smell it frying now. #MissHomemade

Homemade Pork Sausage Recipe

If I do not mention a spice that you would like to add, please feel free. Enjoy.


4 lb lean pork
2 lb pork fat (from the butcher)

3-1/2 tsp salt
6 tsp sage
3 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1-1/2 tsp white sugar
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2/3 cup cold water
1/4 cup homemade hot sauce (or to taste)

Thoroughly chill meat and fat. Using a 1/2 inch cutting blade, run the pork and pork fat separately through the meat grinder and chill again.

Combine all seasonings. Mix the seasonings into the chilled meat and then put through the grinder with a 1/8 inch cutting plate. Mix meat and fat in a bowl and add just enough water to make a soft “dough.” Stuff into casings and take care to avoid air bubbles.

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