Grab this French Fried Onions recipe and make your own instead of buying those flavorless dried out ones. I’m thinking the Green Bean Casserole recipe should include use these ASAP.

French Fried Onions Recipe
2.5 cups buttermilk
4 cups thinly sliced onions (halves and rings)
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
4 cups oil for frying
Soak onions in butter for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile in a shallow dish, add the flour, salt and pepper and whisk well to mix.
Heat the oil to 375 degrees in a cast iron or heavy pan. Dredge the buttermilk drenched onions in the flour mixture and fry until golden brown. Do this in batches so you don’t burn them and they cook up evenly.
Let them drain on paper towels while cooking the next batch. Use right away or store in a tightly covered container for two days.